House rules
House rules
  • House rules

  • Here you can find current information about rental terms and offers if you are interested in renting furniture, tents and other goods.

Rental terms in 3 easy steps

1. Planning

Identify the type of event, the number of visitors, the necessary technical solutions.

2. Ordering

Choose the most appropriate inventory and equipment on the One4event website.

3. Confirmation

When placing an order, it is also possible to choose delivery and assembly.

Broader rental terms

Familiarize yourself with the rental terms


Advance payment is made before delivery of materials. Failure to pay on time may result in a delay from the planned schedule, for which One4Event is not responsible.

Equipment / road crane

If the specifics of the object require the presence of a traveling crane, loader, lifter, manipulator or other equipment, then the cost of using this equipment will be added to the estimate after the event.


The lessee is responsible for providing a suitable place to unload/load materials. If distances or shipping volumes change, One4Event will recalculate and ship after the event.


The cost of the service staff that monitors/maintains the rented inventory during the event is 15 EUR/h + VAT. An invoice for additional costs will be sent after the event.


An additional invoice of 15 EUR/h + VAT will be issued for each employee for downtime caused by the lessee's fault and not stipulated in the rental/assembly/disassembly schedule. An invoice for additional costs will be sent after the event.


In addition to information about rental terms, additional services, service, compliance certificates, qualifications, etc., by contacting the customer service department, e-mail:, Tel. +371 67613447.

General rules

General rules